
Computer Services

We offer a comprehensive range of computing services to meet your technological needs. We specialize in formatting and installing Windows operating systems, ensuring optimal performance and proper configuration of your device. If your computer is running slowly, we can provide suggestions to improve and optimize its functionality. We also assist in finding the specific equipment you need for your work, ensuring it meets your requirements. Additionally, we offer remote technical support via TeamViewer, allowing us to quickly and efficiently resolve issues without the need for travel. Trust us to keep your system running smoothly and to enhance your digital experience.

Formatting and situations that require the delivery of personal equipment are for people close by (acquaintances or friends of acquaintances) due to location issues; the rest of the services can be from anywhere, province, country, etc...

  • Operating System Windows Installation
  • Windows Configuration and Customization
  • New Equipment Setup
  • General Software Installation
  • Diagnostic
  • System Update
  • Software Maintenance
  • Removal of Bloatware (Unnecessary Programs)
  • Remote Assistance via TeamViewer
  • Software Installation 10.00 USD
  • Computer Formatting 35.00 USD
  • Formatting + Installation of Basic Programs 40.00 USD
  • Formatting + Windows Setup + Program Installation 50.00 USD
Piezas de computadoras desarmadas, entre ellas: tarjeta madre de una laptop, un gabinete de escritorio, Play Station 4 con polvo y mucha suciedad, mouse g305, teclado mecánico con todas las teclas removidas, disco duro Samsung; instalación de sistema operativo Windows 10, Windows 11, mantenimiento de computadoras, configuración de equipos de computadora recién comprado.
Componentes de computadoras desarmadas, incluyendo: placa base de laptop, carcasa de escritorio, PlayStation 4 con polvo y suciedad acumulada, ratón G305, teclado mecánico sin teclas, disco duro Samsung; instalación de sistemas operativos Windows 10 y Windows 11, servicio de mantenimiento informático y configuración de nuevos equipos de computación.